Because I am, on occasion, a rather sad
individual, I’ve spent a bit of time recently reading books about God. Ok, two
books. For about 30 seconds each. And one was just parroting the other. But
still, the point stands.
The first point both books raised was centred on what
Kant calls the Golden Rule (note to
philosophers – I know nothing of Kant. Please don’t talk to me about Kant,
unless we are in a pub. Although, thinking about it, I’m not sure philosophers
exist outside pubs. If a philosopher leaves a pub, do they make a sound?) Namely,
“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that
it should become a universal law.”
Although apparently that is Kant’s
Categorical Imperative, and not the Golden Rule. I am now confused. Whatever.
Basically, to go all Judeo-Christian on your ass:
"Do to no one what you yourself dislike." —Tobit 4:15
Ah, bollocks, that’s apparently the Silver Rule, on account
of being phrased negatively. Matthew 22:39 (see also Antonio, Merchant of
Venice, Act I:III), that’s the ticket:
“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself.”
Both C.S. Lewis and Francis Collins (the first a reformed
atheist and charming orator, the second an amazing geneticist) contend
that the universality of the Golden Rule (seriously, Wikipedia it, it’s bloody
everywhere) argues for a unifying morality of humankind that crosses all
boundaries of separation, and as such a heavenly Father passing commandment
from on high. Furthermore, both assert that an instinct to obey such a rule
cannot evolve from the selfish ways of evolution (which, as we all know, drives
us all to eat babies on spits).
I don’t agree (that may have been obvious). There is no
reason an instinct of cooperation cannot evolve – evolution requires only that
a trait is advantageous to its bearer in a given environment (and that is not
disadvantageous in any environment to which the bearer is exposed). Let us
hypothesise that humans evolved in small groups. That seems reasonable, given
that most evidence points to such being the case. In this environment, any
individual is liable to encounter any other individual again, probably next
Wednesday. If I trod on Bert’s hairy foot last week and then waggled my penis
at him when he got angry, it’s quite probable he won’t share his
squirrel-on-a-spit with me next week when my mammoth trap (involving a
matchstick, a piece of chocolate and REALLY BIG colander) goes tits-up. Therefore,
a basic rule of “don’t be a dick” is probably suited to living in a small
group, and breaking the rule will lead to punishment and ejection. The concern
of why there is a feeling of guilt attached to breaking the rule is similar to
why sexual release is nice – disgust is a powerful dissuader, just as pleasure
is strongly encouraging. If we make the rule a little more complex, say, “if
Bob is mean three times, no-one give him any food for a month”, then there is a
strong social selective pressure against Bob being repeatedly mean, and feeling
like dirt is an effective way to enforce that.
A final word, and a little bit of heresy (my feet are cold
and being burned at the stake sounds kinda warming right now). I don’t think
the Golden Rule need be evolutionarily beneficial to have arisen and become
characteristic in humans. Even worse, I’m going to say two words, for the use
of which my old lecturers would have me taken outside and shot; group selection
(*dramatic chord*). I think it works in humans; unlike (as far as we know)
every other animal on this planet, communication and memory allow us
transgenerational transmission of cultural pressures and rules, and highly
effective within-group behaviours. If the head of the group establishes a rule,
“don’t be a dick”, and can effectively enforce that rule to the good of the
group (no hissing at the back), I see no reason why that rule cannot maintain
and become fixed within the group, even if it is to the detriment of most of
the individuals therein.
There I’ve said it. Grab the faggots (behave), pour the
petrol – I wanna BURN.